
   Thanks for visiting the new home of James Kamp! This is the place where you can check out all the latest news, photos, music and videos. Be sure to check out the different pages and sign up for the newsletter before you leave. And below are links to some of my other musical shenanigans.  Also, a few notes on the music here. First off, regulatory changes have made it so the music doesn't start automatically when you visit the site. So if want to hear my songs, click the start button below and the first song, "The Reply", will start. All these songs here are on one of my four albums. There are about 12 songs on here. The first 5 are from my new album (just released). Next 3 are from "Out Alive", then 2 each from  "Legacy" and "With What I Got". And if you want to watch a video, hit the stop button on the music player or the two sound sources will play at the same time. Hope you dig the site...

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